Battery CLI utility v1.1.6
battery status
output battery SMC status, % and time remaining
battery logs LINES[integer, optional]
output logs of the battery CLI and GUI
eg: battery logs 100
battery maintain LEVEL[1-100,stop]
reboot-persistent battery level maintenance: turn off charging above, and on below a certain value
it has the option of a --force-discharge flag that discharges even when plugged in (this does NOT work well with clamshell mode)
eg: battery maintain 80
eg: battery maintain stop
battery charging SETTING[on/off]
manually set the battery to (not) charge
eg: battery charging on
battery adapter SETTING[on/off]
manually set the adapter to (not) charge even when plugged in
eg: battery adapter off
battery charge LEVEL[1-100]
charge the battery to a certain percentage, and disable charging when that percentage is reached
eg: battery charge 90
battery discharge LEVEL[1-100]
block power input from the adapter until battery falls to this level
eg: battery discharge 90
battery visudo
ensure you don't need to call battery with sudo
This is already used in the setup script, so you should't need it.
battery update
update the battery utility to the latest version
battery reinstall
reinstall the battery utility to the latest version (reruns the installation script)
battery uninstall
enable charging, remove the smc tool, and the battery script