Templating in Home Assistant


YAML is (mostly1) great for configuration that is easily parsed by both computers and people, and Jinja is a decent templating language. But using Jinja inside of YAML is kind of a terrible way to program. It's a half solution, that combines the worst of both and not a whole lot of the good parts.

Selecting entities

We have a good naming standard, and its more useful if we use it. Unfortuantely, Jinja is a bit limited at working with iterators as it lacks list comprehensions like standard Python has.

Selecting based on entity_id

Jinja provides a useful collection of filters2, and we can match entity_id using filters and regular expressions. This selects all media_player.sonos_ entities:

    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^media_player\.sonos_")

And this selects all light.bedroom_ entities:

    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^light\.bedroom_")

The selectattr filter3 (and its inverse rejectattr) accepts an iterator and a test (argument passed as a string, here "match") to each item, filtering the list.

The regex tests used in the filter are direct mappings to the the Python Standard Library module re4, "match" is equivalent to re.match.

Likewise, you can also use "search":

    | selectattr("entity_id", "search", "light\.bedroom_")

This is equivalent to using re.search.

Note that match requires you to match the string from the start so this won't match anything:

selectattr("entity_id", "match", "\.bedroom_")

Instead you need to do:

selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^.*\.bedroom_")

You can drop the ^ token, this will also match:

selectattr("entity_id", "match", ".*\.bedroom_")

Using search, the regex doesn't need to match from the start of the string, and you can use:

selectattr("entity_id", "search", "\.bedroom_")

Using search, you don't need to match the literal . after the domain, since for example "bedroom_" is a valid regex. However that could match other entities that don't start with "bedroom_", something like sensor.foo_bedroom_bar or sensor.notbedroom_foo will also match.

Technically we don't need to iterate over states.light since the regex is already matching the light domain -- we can also iterate over states directly:

    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^light\.bedroom_")

# less iterating, more regex
    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^.*\.bedroom_[a-z_]+$")

Optionally we can use the expand function

# using re.match
    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^light\.bedroom_")
    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^light\.bedroom_")
    | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^.*\.bedroom_")

# using re.search
    | selectattr("entity_id", "search", "\.bedroom_")
    | selectattr("entity_id", "search", "\.bedroom_")

All of these return the same entities. Using expand() will expand a group of entities before other filters are evaluated, so depending on how you construct the expression this can cause Jinja to listen to a higher number of state events.

The Home Assistant documentation on templating5 uses expand in most examples.

Selecting based on domain

It's also possible to filter based on the domain attribute, if you are tolerant to passing operators as strings/data:

   | selectattr("domain", "==", "light")
   | selectattr("entity_id", "match", "^.*\.bedroom_")

If you are fine with using string-aliases for operators, you can also write this as selectattr("domain", "eq", "light"). This is arguably even worse, but you'll inevitably find a whole bunch of examples on the Home Assistant forums using notation like this.

Selecting based on area

You can also select based on areas, and this actually feels more natural in the Home Asssitant templating. But assigning devices or entities to areas can only be done in the UI and cannot be managed in code, which kind of negates that.

The first building blocks to using this are area_entitites and area_devices. This will return lists with the state of all entities for an area, and all the states of all devices for an area respectively:

{{ expand(area_entities("bedroom")) }}
{{ expand(device_entities("bedroom")) }}

If you want to get all light entity states in an area:

    | selectattr("domain", "==", "light")

Which doesnt rely on the entity_id following a naming standard, but does rely on it having been assigned to the correct area in the UI.

Selecting based on label

The new labels in Home Assistant are a pleasantly powerful tool to organize entities and devices. While they can only be assigned to entities using the UI, it’s possible to read them in templates:

    | select("match", "^sensor.")
    | select("is_state", state)
    | list
    | count
    | round(0)

Returns the number of sensor entities labeled with label that have a given state.

Selecting entities in an area, in a domain, by state

All of the above are based on using regular expressions, but you can also use expand along with other helpers provided by Home Assistant.

    | selectattr("domain", "eq", "light")
    | map(attribute="entity_id")
    | select("is_state", "on")
    | list

This returns the entity_id of all light entities in the bedroom area whose state is "on"/true.

Selecting binary_sensor entities by state

Given a list of entity_ids, to check if any of them are true/"on":

    | select("has_value")
    | select("is_state", "on")
    | list
    | length > 0

Where entity_list is an iterator with entity_id strings. This can for example be expand, area_entities or label_entities (etc), or a defined list.

Default values

Handling unknown/unavailable sensor states in a template sensor can be cumbersome.

There is an availability configuration key for the template platform:

  - sensor:
      name: template sensor
      availability: |
        {{ has_value("sensor.foo") }}
        {{ states("sensor.foo") | float | round(1) }}

For numeric values, a default value can be set using the default argument to float and int:

{{ states("sensor.foo") | float(default=0.0) | round(1) }}

Note that the default value itself does not need to be an int or float, so it can be used to render "unknown" or "unavailable":

{{ states("sensor.foo") | float(default="unknown") }}

But then the round filter cannot be used, since that will raise an exception when the template returns a string, since round requires a numeric value (which can be a string).

Source entity_id in attribute

To reduce repitition, you can store the source entity_ids that the template sensor uses in the attributes of your template sensor. But if this is done in the template platform then it will raises errors until the sensor returns a value, since it seems that the attributes are not registered until after the state of the sensor has successfully returned a value.

Instead set the attributes with the source entity_ids using homeassistant.customize:

        - sensor.source_sensor_1
        - sensor.source_sensor_2

  - sensor:
    - name: templated_sensor
      availability: |
            | select("has_value")
            | list
            | length > 0
      state: |
            | map("states")
            | select("is_number")
            | map("float")
            | list
            | median
            | round(0)

This also works for binary_sensor:

      source_entity_id: "binary_sensor.source_binary_sensor"

        - binary_sensor.source_binary_sensor_1
        - binary_sensor.source_binary_sensor_2

  - binary_sensor:
    - name: templated_binary_sensor_1
      availability: |
        {{ has_value(this.attributes.get("source_entity_id")) }}
      state: |
        {{ is_state(this.attributes.get("source_entity_id"), "on") }}

    - name: templated_binary_sensor_2
      availability: |
            | select("has_value")
            | list
            | length > 0
            | select("is_state", "on")
            | list
            | length > 0

Since the entity gets the attributes from the homeassistant.customize platform, it has access to them when the template platform sensor is evaluated.

Using the availibility configuration keys reduces errors in the logs but it is also possible to write the state jinja to always return valid values, though it is sometimes tricky to get it right.
